Monday, September 7, 2015

Our First Day!

AlphabeAdventures Preschool

Policies and Procedures 2015

Dear Parents,
Another school year has begun!  
Are you ready?  Here we go:
Dress: Please send your student with appropriate footwear (they can put on themselves) and clothing for the weather (jackets, boots, sweaters, coats, etc.)  We like to go outside for recess and “Discovery Time.”
Breakfast: We all feel better when we are not too hungry.  Please feed your student/s before dropping them off at class.
Toilet:Please take your student/s to the bathroom before class. 
Student Release: I will release students to mothers or caregivers. Please call ahead to make arrangements if an unknown person will be picking up your child.
Show N' Teach: Will be on Thursday this year, so I can remind students on Tuesdays. This gives students a chance to get up and practice oral skills and think ahead, etc.
Inclement Weather: In case of heavy rain or snow, I will leave the front door unlocked so students can come down to the school room. 

Extra Clothes Bag:  Students needs to be toilet trained to attend (all though I know accidents do sometimes happen). I ask that parents put an extra change of clothes in a Gallon Zipper bag with the child's name in it to keep at school for "just in case" times. (These can be old clothes: usually a pair or pants, socks, and underpants are sufficient).
Drop off and Pick Ups:  Students may be dropped off five minutes before class.  (If you need to make alternate arrangements, please call and prearrange).  Please pick up students ON TIME.  I understand that emergencies come up and will grant three late pick ups a year.

Supply Requests:  It would be helpful if each student would donate a large box of facial tissues (Kleenexes).

AlphabeAdventures Preschool

We LOVE our parent volunteers!
If you are willing to help in class, as a chaperon, or at home, please let me know.
Birthday Celebrations:
We enjoy honoring your child and try to celebrate each students’ birthdays as close to the date as we can.  If you would like to, you may send in a purchased treat, stickers, or small toys for your child to distribute that day.  Please do not send in cupcakes. They are simply too messy here at school.
We always can use tissues, sanitizing wipes, zipper top bags (any size), diaper wipes (for faces and hands), napkins, paper plates, foil, plastic wrap, tooth picks, multicolored gum drops,
     clean, recyclable plastic and metal cans, lids, colored lids (Robots, Feb. 2016)
               Nailpolish for letter “N”
                  Small toys, stickers, or treats for our “Treasure Box.”
Class Blog:Alphabet Detectives

Dear Parents,

Welcome to Preschool!  

Please double check your enrollment, see the Emergency Clothing example, Volunteers Sign-up and Donations.

This week we will be getting to know each other, our classroom rules, and teacher.

*For our lesson on September 10 (Thursday), please send a photo of something your child did this Summer.  We will talk about it in class and get to know your child more.

** Please send in an apple with your student.  (Variety will make our homemade applesauce tasty).

***For our Teddy Bear Picnic at the end of the month, please have your child bring a favorite teddy bear and a small picnic lunch in a paper bag.  We will picnic on blankets, read lots of Beary good stories, and have a great time!

On Thursdays, your student may bring something to Show and Teach.   Please help your student find something that relates to our theme...for instance, on our Letter A Day, your child might bring a small plastic alligator, a picture of an ant, a toy airplane, some Allspice, or a stuffed ape, etc.

Just some helpful reminders:

§      Please remember to send in your child's emergency clothes (underpants, shorts/sweat pants, socks) in a large Ziplock bag with his/her first name written on the front.

§      Also, please remember to feed your child breakfast before bringing your child to school. 

§      Please take your student to the potty before school.

§      Please send a backpack with your child to carry home artwork/papers until our class bags are ready.

§      Get ready to have a fun year learning at preschool this year!                                                                                          
Miss Julie

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