Monday, September 7, 2015

Our First Day of Preschool, Hooray!

We had a great First Day!
Daily Question:  Are you excited for preschool?  Yes! So happy to see and meet you all this year. 

Toys:  Fisher Price Village, Mr. Potato Heads, Wooden toy puzzles.  We enjoyed getting to know new friends and faces.

Snack Time:  Gold fish crackers, mini carrots and dip, and (Hersey's)
"Kisses and Hugs" .

Taking pictures for our wall and bags:

Preschool Behaviors, Schedules and Routines...How exciting to go to preschool and learn about Circle Time, the Bathroom Policy, Appropriate Touching, Sharing, Show and Teach, and Meeting new friends!

The Kissing Hand Story and Activities: *The Kissing Hand tells the story of Chester the Raccoon. Chester is a little shy about beginning a new school with the other forest animals. His mother shares a secret with him--she kisses his palm and he carries a little bit of her with him.  When he gets lonely, he outs his palm up to his face and can feel his mother's kiss and is no longer lonely at school.
We enjoyed Hershey's kisses and coloring a raccoon picture.  (Some of the students saved their kisses to share with their mother or father at home!  So sweet.)

Recess: We went over outside rules and walked down to the inside playplace.  We practiced lining up and coming in when the bell is rung.

Books: (bold means we read it today)
*The Kissing Hand by Audrey Wood  
First Day, Hurray! by Nancy Poydar

One for Me, One for You by C.C. Cameron and Grace Lin
*Preschoolers to the Rescue  by Judy Sierra & Will Hillenbrand
Dinosaur Starts School by Pamela Duncan Edwards & Deborah Allwright
*Show & Tell Day by Anne and Lizzy Rockwell
(Books in bold are books we read today in class!  Other books listed are suggested reading.)

Parents Magazine "Goodbye Without Tears"

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