Tuesday, September 15, 2015

Germs Make me Sick!

Germs Make Me Sick Lessons

Daily Question:  Do you know what a germ is?

(How do I get sick?  How can I avoid getting sick?  How do I wash my hands properly?)  These are all questions we answered in preschool today.

Toys: Mega Bloks, Mega Bloks Race Track, FP Village.

Snack: Honey Dew melon, Triscuits, and Fruit Snacks.

Sing: I’m a V.I.P. and I am Like A Star  songs.

Read the book Germs Make Me Sick!
What Are Germs Preschool Lesson

What are germs? How do I get sick? What can I do to not get sick? How do you wash hands correctly? These were some of the questions we learned about today in Preschool.

Before snack time, we read about what a germ is.  We learned that germs are all around us. Germs are so tiny that we cannot see them without a special machine called a microscope. There are different types of germs. Some are called viruses and some bacteria and they could make us sick. They come in many different shapes.

We learned about proper hand washing and then went to the bathroom to practice scrubbing our hands and singing the alphabet or a Happy Birthday song while we clean under our nails, "inside, outside, and in between" our fingers, rinse and then dry our hands on a clean towel.

After playing outside, we came in and practiced washing our hands. Then we applied lotion to our chapped hands. In circle time we played a ball game and I made a dramatic show of sneezing (tiny bright green glitter) all over our ball and then passing it on to the children. Then we shook hands and repeated a get-to-know-you game from the first days of school. When we looked down at our hands, we were able to "see germs" (glitter) and how they had spread from my hands to their hands. Some children choose to wash their hands and others wanted to keep their sparkling hands for our art activity.

For our follow-up art activity, we used glitter glue to trace hands and then read "We Wash Germs Away!" In our mini discussion group, we talked about how frequent hand washing before meals/snacks and after playing outside or being at school will keep us from catching germs and getting sick. We also spoke briefly about coughing and sneezing into our elbow, hands, or a tissue and then washing our hands to keep others from catching the same "bug." Also, we need enough sleep and to eat nutritious foods to keep us healthy.

Some of the books we read and talked about today:
Germs Are Not for Sharing (Best Behavior Series) by Elizabeth Verdick and Marieka Heinlen
I Like Me! by Nancy Carlson

The Clean-up Song
Days of the Week
The Green Grass Grew All Around.

Additional Fun:
Barney Come on over to Barney's House "Keep Your Sneeze to Yourself!" Song and lesson

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