Thursday, September 17, 2015

Wheels on the Bus

Wheels on the Bus!

Daily Question:  Have you ever ridden on a bus? 
Two of our students have! 

Parents, thank you for taking the time to help your student sign in!  This helps them practice name writing and letter recognition and also acts as an attendance record for me.
Toys:  Giant Bus Floor Puzzle and Fisher Price Village (and Bus), Spaghetti Dolls and Bus, FP bus, and trucks. 

Snacks: Fresh strawberries and Goldfish Crackers and Pretzels.

Indoor Recess Fun:

Show and Teach:  We had fun reading a story Show & Tell Day in Circle Time today!

Carter--Choose to share Froggy's First Day of School because "I forgot my backpack in the car!"
Andi--Disney's "Anna" dress.  "I got it from Christmas.  I forgot my Anna hair!"
Chloe--"This is a shell from my special collection at home.  See, it has a hole in it."
Luke--"This is a picture I made for my Mom!"  He used glitter glue on it.
Micah--showed us a stuffed Penquin.
Eva--I Love School book because it has a School Bus in it.
Liam--FP School Bus

Thanks for also helping your student remember to remove and place shoes by the door.

Preschool fun: I love to see the students working together to solve a puzzle.  This class is just beginning to help one another and become a "sharing and caring" class.

Once finished, Chloe invited the rest of the class to "come and see" and celebrate the finishing of the school bus puzzle. 

Calendar review
Days of the Week
(Tune: "The Addams Family")

There's Sunday and there's Monday,
There's Tuesday and there's Wednesday,
There's Thursday and there's Friday,
And then there's Saturday.
Days of the week. (clap, clap)

Days of the week. (clap, clap)
Days of the week. Days of the week.
Days of the week. (clap, clap)

Shapes:  We identified most of the major shapes as they appear on the bus; the door is a rectangle, the windows are squares, the wheels are circles, etc.  We had fun playing "I Spy" Shapes around our class room.

Our Class Bus Activity:  We had fun taking turns riding on our very own class bus and singing the song and acting out the movements in the song (after we read and discussed the book).

Show & Tell Day by Anne and Lizzy Rockwell
Preschool to the Rescue by Judy Sierra and Will Hillenbrand 
One Happy Classroom (Counting) by Charnan Simon and Rebecca McKillip Thornburgh 
Bus Driver by Nancy Poydar
The Wheels on the Bus (Raffi Songs to Read) by Raffi and Sylvia Wiskstrom
The Seals on the Bus by Lenny Hort and G. Brian Karas
The Wheels on the Bus; A First Little Golden Book

The Wheels on the Bus
The wheels on the bus go round and round,
round and round,
round and round.
The wheels on the bus go round and round,
all through the town.

The wipers on the bus go Swish, swish, swish;
Swish, swish, swish;
Swish, swish, swish.
The wipers on the bus go Swish, swish, swish,
all through the town.

The horn on the bus goes Beep, beep, beep;
Beep, beep, beep;
Beep, beep, beep.
The horn on the bus goes Beep, beep, beep,
all through the town..

The money on the bus goes, Clink, clink, clink;
Clink, clink, clink;
Clink, clink, clink.
The money on the bus goes, Clink, clink, clink,
all through the town.

The Driver on the bus says "Move on back,
move on back, move on back;"
The Driver on the bus says "Move on back",
all through the town.

The baby on the bus says "Wah, wah, wah;
Wah, wah, wah;
Wah, wah, wah".
The baby on the bus says "Wah, wah, wah",
all through the town.

The mommy on the bus says "Shush, shush, shush;
Shush, shush, shush;
Shush, shush, shush."
The mommy on the bus says "Shush, shush, shush"
all through the town.

Substitute these lyrics also

The doors on the bus go open and shut.
The bell on the bus goes ding-ding-ding.
The lady on the bus says, "Get off my feet"...
The people on the bus say, "We had a nice ride"...
"Your name" on the bus says Let Me Off!

(See this website:
 More fun bus activities:

Tuesday, September 15, 2015

Germs Make me Sick!

Germs Make Me Sick Lessons

Daily Question:  Do you know what a germ is?

(How do I get sick?  How can I avoid getting sick?  How do I wash my hands properly?)  These are all questions we answered in preschool today.

Toys: Mega Bloks, Mega Bloks Race Track, FP Village.

Snack: Honey Dew melon, Triscuits, and Fruit Snacks.

Sing: I’m a V.I.P. and I am Like A Star  songs.

Read the book Germs Make Me Sick!
What Are Germs Preschool Lesson

What are germs? How do I get sick? What can I do to not get sick? How do you wash hands correctly? These were some of the questions we learned about today in Preschool.

Before snack time, we read about what a germ is.  We learned that germs are all around us. Germs are so tiny that we cannot see them without a special machine called a microscope. There are different types of germs. Some are called viruses and some bacteria and they could make us sick. They come in many different shapes.

We learned about proper hand washing and then went to the bathroom to practice scrubbing our hands and singing the alphabet or a Happy Birthday song while we clean under our nails, "inside, outside, and in between" our fingers, rinse and then dry our hands on a clean towel.

After playing outside, we came in and practiced washing our hands. Then we applied lotion to our chapped hands. In circle time we played a ball game and I made a dramatic show of sneezing (tiny bright green glitter) all over our ball and then passing it on to the children. Then we shook hands and repeated a get-to-know-you game from the first days of school. When we looked down at our hands, we were able to "see germs" (glitter) and how they had spread from my hands to their hands. Some children choose to wash their hands and others wanted to keep their sparkling hands for our art activity.

For our follow-up art activity, we used glitter glue to trace hands and then read "We Wash Germs Away!" In our mini discussion group, we talked about how frequent hand washing before meals/snacks and after playing outside or being at school will keep us from catching germs and getting sick. We also spoke briefly about coughing and sneezing into our elbow, hands, or a tissue and then washing our hands to keep others from catching the same "bug." Also, we need enough sleep and to eat nutritious foods to keep us healthy.

Some of the books we read and talked about today:
Germs Are Not for Sharing (Best Behavior Series) by Elizabeth Verdick and Marieka Heinlen
I Like Me! by Nancy Carlson

The Clean-up Song
Days of the Week
The Green Grass Grew All Around.

Additional Fun:
Barney Come on over to Barney's House "Keep Your Sneeze to Yourself!" Song and lesson

Thursday, September 10, 2015

Something Special-Me!

I am Special!
Circle Time Discussion:
What is a talent? "A thing--it is a doctor?!" "It looks like a talent."
What is a talent you have?
Luke: Gymnastics!  I can do a cartwheel.  (He shows our class!)
Chloe: I do painting well.
Eva: Drawing.
Micah: Help Mom with baby sister Noelle.
Carter: I share my sandwich with my Dad.
Andi: (Thinking) Good at being a friend.
Liam: Climbs and throws ball well.

Things I did this Summer:
Micah: I went to the beach and played in the sand.
Eva: We went to Hogle Zoo this Summer!
Chloe: I "woke up, be patient, be good!"
Andi: I saw a BIG deer!
Liam: Swimming!
Luke: Met cousins at a cabin in Heber.
Julie: I moved this Summer.

All About Me
Today we had fun sitting in a circle getting to know each other by introducing a special surprise we had bought with us. (Thanks parents for helping your children remember their backpacks and special thing to share). After reading Something Special together we talked about how special each person was and how unique each one of us is. I brought out a large treasure Chest and told them I had something special to show them inside. I called up each child one by one and showed them inside: a large mirror with a star around it. As the child looked in, he/she saw themselves as a star!
Songs: I'm a V.I.P. in My Family by Janeen Brady...
I'm a V.I.P. in my family,
I'm a V.I.P. you see!
I'm a V.I.P. in my family
And that's a pretty good thing to be!
A Very Important Person,
A Very Important Person,
A Very Important Person
That's ME!

More Books about Me!:
You Are Very Special by Su Box, Ill. by Susie Poole

I Am like a Star,” Children’s Songbook of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, 163
I am like a star shining brightly,
Smiling for the whole world to see.
I can do and say happy things each day,
For I know Heav’nly Father loves me.
Words and music: Patricia Kelsey Graham, b. 1940. © 1981 IRI

Monday, September 7, 2015

Our First Day of Preschool, Hooray!

We had a great First Day!
Daily Question:  Are you excited for preschool?  Yes! So happy to see and meet you all this year. 

Toys:  Fisher Price Village, Mr. Potato Heads, Wooden toy puzzles.  We enjoyed getting to know new friends and faces.

Snack Time:  Gold fish crackers, mini carrots and dip, and (Hersey's)
"Kisses and Hugs" .

Taking pictures for our wall and bags:

Preschool Behaviors, Schedules and Routines...How exciting to go to preschool and learn about Circle Time, the Bathroom Policy, Appropriate Touching, Sharing, Show and Teach, and Meeting new friends!

The Kissing Hand Story and Activities: *The Kissing Hand tells the story of Chester the Raccoon. Chester is a little shy about beginning a new school with the other forest animals. His mother shares a secret with him--she kisses his palm and he carries a little bit of her with him.  When he gets lonely, he outs his palm up to his face and can feel his mother's kiss and is no longer lonely at school.
We enjoyed Hershey's kisses and coloring a raccoon picture.  (Some of the students saved their kisses to share with their mother or father at home!  So sweet.)

Recess: We went over outside rules and walked down to the inside playplace.  We practiced lining up and coming in when the bell is rung.

Books: (bold means we read it today)
*The Kissing Hand by Audrey Wood  
First Day, Hurray! by Nancy Poydar

One for Me, One for You by C.C. Cameron and Grace Lin
*Preschoolers to the Rescue  by Judy Sierra & Will Hillenbrand
Dinosaur Starts School by Pamela Duncan Edwards & Deborah Allwright
*Show & Tell Day by Anne and Lizzy Rockwell
(Books in bold are books we read today in class!  Other books listed are suggested reading.)

Parents Magazine "Goodbye Without Tears"