Thursday, March 31, 2016

The Same or Opposite

The Same or Different? Opposites

Do you know your opposites? 

Toys:  Opposite Puzzles, Buck-a-Roo, and ABSeas Games. 

Snack: Carrots, Raisins, Dried Mango, and Alphabet cookies.

Circle Time: 
We discussed our question of the day and presented it on a math graph.

Math-Graph.... it was pretty split yes and no, with 4 "No"s and 3 "Yes"s. But when we asked the class if they could tell me what an opposite was, most did not know. 
  -Luke gave a fun response! "When something is different and something is the same."
  -Eva gave us some examples: "Yes and No. Open and Close."

An opposite is something completely different from another thing.

A person or thing that is totally different from or the reverse of someone or something else.

We had fun talking about opposites--
city/country, wet/dry, front/back, sitting/standing, winter/summer, coming/going, clean/dirty, in/out, whole/smashed, top/bottom.

We watched Harry The Dirty Dog (Scholastic, DVD)
-We found some opposites in the movie! Harry was a white dog with black spots. He was dirty, then he was clean.

My Opposites Game:  

Inside Recess:  It was a rainy day! 

After recess, we read Exactly The Opposite by Tana Hoban. This helped our class to better understand what opposites are.

Show and Teach!
This week we had a lot of toys. We had fun talking about what an opposite would be. 
We used Chloe's stuffed animals to talk about things that were "the same" and things that were "different" and "opposite."

Daxton showed us his Transformer who went from a "man to a tank."  A toy which mutates from one thing to another. Quite different or opposite! 

Spring Break next week! No School Tuesday or Thursday. (See you on April 12, tuition due). 
We decorated and took home baby chick cookies to celebrate Spring!

Books on Opposites:
Black? White! Day? Night!; A Book of Opposites by Laura Seeger
Opposites (First Concepts) by Melanie Whittington 
What's Opposite? by Stephen R. Swinburne 
Earth, Sky, Wet, Dry; A Book of Nature Opposites by Durga Bernhard 
The Foot Book by Dr. Seuss
Go Dog Go by P.D. Eastman
The Opposites by Monique Felix 
Exactly The Opposite by Tana Hoban
Is it Rough? Is it Smooth?  Is it Shiny? by Tana Hoban
Opposites by George Siede and Donna Preis
Tops & Bottoms (Audio) by Janet Stevens

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