Thursday, March 31, 2016

The Same or Opposite

The Same or Different? Opposites

Do you know your opposites? 

Toys:  Opposite Puzzles, Buck-a-Roo, and ABSeas Games. 

Snack: Carrots, Raisins, Dried Mango, and Alphabet cookies.

Circle Time: 
We discussed our question of the day and presented it on a math graph.

Math-Graph.... it was pretty split yes and no, with 4 "No"s and 3 "Yes"s. But when we asked the class if they could tell me what an opposite was, most did not know. 
  -Luke gave a fun response! "When something is different and something is the same."
  -Eva gave us some examples: "Yes and No. Open and Close."

An opposite is something completely different from another thing.

A person or thing that is totally different from or the reverse of someone or something else.

We had fun talking about opposites--
city/country, wet/dry, front/back, sitting/standing, winter/summer, coming/going, clean/dirty, in/out, whole/smashed, top/bottom.

We watched Harry The Dirty Dog (Scholastic, DVD)
-We found some opposites in the movie! Harry was a white dog with black spots. He was dirty, then he was clean.

My Opposites Game:  

Inside Recess:  It was a rainy day! 

After recess, we read Exactly The Opposite by Tana Hoban. This helped our class to better understand what opposites are.

Show and Teach!
This week we had a lot of toys. We had fun talking about what an opposite would be. 
We used Chloe's stuffed animals to talk about things that were "the same" and things that were "different" and "opposite."

Daxton showed us his Transformer who went from a "man to a tank."  A toy which mutates from one thing to another. Quite different or opposite! 

Spring Break next week! No School Tuesday or Thursday. (See you on April 12, tuition due). 
We decorated and took home baby chick cookies to celebrate Spring!

Books on Opposites:
Black? White! Day? Night!; A Book of Opposites by Laura Seeger
Opposites (First Concepts) by Melanie Whittington 
What's Opposite? by Stephen R. Swinburne 
Earth, Sky, Wet, Dry; A Book of Nature Opposites by Durga Bernhard 
The Foot Book by Dr. Seuss
Go Dog Go by P.D. Eastman
The Opposites by Monique Felix 
Exactly The Opposite by Tana Hoban
Is it Rough? Is it Smooth?  Is it Shiny? by Tana Hoban
Opposites by George Siede and Donna Preis
Tops & Bottoms (Audio) by Janet Stevens

Tuesday, March 22, 2016

Vowels and Consonants

Do you know what a vowel is?  Most of the students wrote their names under "yes" but my guess is that they didn't and learned today about what a vowel is.

Toys: FP Village, Race cars, and Doorbell house.
(Others include:ABSeas, letter magnets, ABC puzzles, and Lace-up Shoes.) 

Snack: Carrots, Saltines, and fruit snacks. At snack time, we read two fun stories to celebrate the start of Spring! "Swing High, Swing Low" by Fiona Coward, and "I am Water" by Jean Marzollo. 

Circle Time:
We showed clip from Leappad Talking Words Factory DVD on vowels and consonants.  "Vowels are the glue (letters) that stick the words (consonants) together!" Consonants are the non-vowel letters: A consonant is a speech sound that is not a vowel. It also refers to letters of the alphabet that represent those sounds: Z, B, T, G, and H are all consonants.
My Vowels:
We recognized that each child had a vowel in their name. We went through and found the vowels in everyone's names.

My Vowels Song:
We shouted Aa, Ee, Ii, Oo, Uu, and then whispered (sometimes Yy).  

Vowel Egg Hunt: 
After learning about vowels, we had a fun activity to see if we could separate our vowels from consonants! On the back of laminated Easter eggs, was written either a red vowel, or a black consonant. They were laid out on the floor and stairs outside our preschool room. One at a time, each child went out to find an egg, bring it back, show it to the class, and either sort it into our vowel basket or consonant basket. After each child had gone once, we all went out to find as many as we could to bring them back and sort them. It was a lot of fun! 

Inside recess since it was a rainy day!
Signs of Spring:
After recess, we mentioned how yesterday was the first day of Spring! We talked about how Spring is one of the four seasons, and then discussed as a class what were some signs of Springtime. Eva said, "We can hear the birds outside!" Luke said, "It starts to get warm for us to play!" Ella talked about how in Spring, the trees and flowers grow! 
Popcorn Popping (using empty water bottles in socks.)
Speaking of trees and sounds we can hear in Spring, we passed out our popcorn socks! The students explored the sounds they could make with their socks and guessed what was inside! They correctly guessed water bottles. Then, we used our popcorn socks to help us with our song "Popcorn Popping on the Apricot Tree."

Easter Egg Decorating:
In honor of Easter, we used many different colored crayons to decorate a fun Easter egg worksheet to take home!