Tuesday, November 10, 2015

Veteran's Day

Veterans Day!
Do you know a Veteran?
A veteran is a person who has served in the military.

Toys: Large and small Army Sets

Snack: Ritz crackers, grapes, and fruit snacks.

An oft forgotten holiday tucked between Halloween and Thanksgiving is: Veterans Day

Circle Time: Tomorrow is a special day.  Do you know what holiday we celebrate? No guesses.  Veteran's Day!  "Is that when you fight in a war?" Luke asked.
What is a Veteran? A veteran is a person who has served in the military.
Eva asked,"how do we honor our Veterans?" Good question.  We talked about visiting them and listening to veterans, praying for them and sending letters and packages of support.
We talked about what it means to be brave and have courage.  "Like when I go to the doctor and have a shot?" they suggested.  Luke recalls getting two shots, one in each leg recently. 
World War One (WWI) ended on Nov 11, 1918 after four years of fighting by countries around the world.  Millions of people lost their lives in the war.  So on November 11, we honor the wartime service and sacrifice of men and women in the armed forces. Originally proclaimed Armistice Day in 1919 to commemorate the end of World War I, it was renamed Veterans Day in 1954 to include American veterans of all wars.Veterans Day is observed by countries all over the world on November 11.

Veteran's PowerPoint 
Song: We had fun listening to and practicing a Veterans Day Salute.

Veterans Day Salute
Music and Lyrics Janeen Brady

On Veterans Day a tribute we pay those wonderful men who helped to defend America.
We Salute you.
On Veterans Day a "thank you" we say to those, one and all, who answered the call America gave to them.
Those military folks in uniform who left the homes they love for battle's storm.
Those veterans brave so gen'rously gave their all to defend their home and their friends. 
America, America is proud to salute its veterans this day.

Activity: We colored pictures of service men and women and could write a letter to a veteran.

(My daughter, Susie, drew the military man and woman on the board).

We practiced saluting and wanted to display our coloring.

We are grateful to all of the brave men and women who have served and are serving our country! 
10 Fat Turkeys by Tony Johnston and Rich Deas
One Little, Two Little, Three Little Pilgrims by B.G. Hennessy

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